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Giorgio Agosti

Export & Marketing Manager

Giorgio Agosti - Gamm Srl

Perchè hai scelto di affidarti a Seventyseven?

Ci siamo affidati a Seventyseven dapprima per la parte stampa cataloghi avendo fiducia in Enrico Lombardo col quale collaboravamo da tempo. In seguito abbiamo rafforzato la collaborazione anche da un punto di vista grafico, di immagine a 360° e di comunicazione. Abbiamo deciso di affidare il nostro marchio nelle loro mani vista la competenza e l’ottimo lavoro svolto fino a quel momento.

È sempre faticoso arrivare in fondo ai percorsi ma finora le tappe raggiunte sono state molto soddisfacenti.

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Why did you choose to rely on Seventyseven?

We relied on Seventyseven first for the catalogue printing part having confidence in Enrico Lombardo with whom we had been collaborating for some time. Later we strengthened the collaboration also from a graphic point of view, 360° image and communication. We decided to entrust our brand in their hands given the competence and the excellent work done up to that moment.

It is always difficult to get to the end of the routes but so far the stages reached have been very satisfactory.

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Pourquoi avez-vous choisi de faire confiance à Seventyseven ?

Nous nous sommes d’abord appuyés sur Seventyseven pour la partie impression du catalogue, en faisant confiance à Enrico Lombardo avec qui nous collaborions depuis un certain temps. Plus tard, nous avons renforcé la collaboration également d’un point de vue graphique, d’image à 360° et de communication. Nous avons décidé de mettre notre marque dans leurs mains compte tenu des compétences et de l’excellent travail accompli jusqu’alors.

C’est toujours fatiguant d’arriver au bout des parcours mais jusqu’ici les étapes franchies ont été très satisfaisantes.

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